Benefits of Lip Augmentation Via a Dermal Filler Injectable Over Plastic Surgery in Bellmead, TX

Who doesn’t want to have plump and full lips? There are many that are born with this beautiful trait that others will only be dreaming about. However, there are some procedures that can help you get those full lips that you’re looking for. Surprisingly enough, not all of these procedures require you to go under the knife either. There are fillers that can do a fantastic job of getting you those plump lips without having to undergo surgery. Skin And Body Refinery is here to talk about lip fillers and why you may want to consider that route over plastic surgery.

Advantages of Non Surgical Lip Enhancement

There are several examples in everyone’s life of why surgery isn’t something that you should voluntarily sign up to do. There are many risks that come with surgery and can put you in danger of serious health problems and even death. When it comes to enhancing your lips, there are ways to get the results you’re looking for that are much safer than any surgery will be. This can be done using a filler to get the volume you’re after. Here are some things you should know about lip fillers.
– There is More than One Lip Filler: When it comes to fillers for your lips, there are more than one to choose from. Dermal fillers are used to add volume, smooth out and rejuvenate the skin, and there are certainly several to choose from that will all give you different results.
– Downtime is Minimal: One of the best parts of dermal fillers for your lips is that the downtime is minimal. You will be done with your treatment after about 30 minutes and should be able to go about your day with little to no side effects.
– Fillers Aren’t Permanent: It is important to note that using a filler to get volume in your lips will not be a permanent thing. These fillers will fade gradually over time but will last several months before the treatment needs to be done again. If you are looking for permanent augmentation, you should consider more drastic measures. Most people can plan on fillers lasting about 6-12 months before they need to be done again.
– Give It Time: When you use fillers to enhance your lips, you need to give it time. You won’t see the results you’re looking for right away. You will see changes right away, but you won’t get your full results for several weeks. Expect to see the final result about 4 weeks after treatment.

Dermal Fillers & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

If you’re looking for fuller lips, consider the risks that come with plastic surgery. For many people, they will be able to get the results they are looking for with dermal fillers instead. At Skin And Body Refinery, we offer dermal fillers that will help add the volume you want to your lips to give them that beautiful fullness you’re after. Call us today!

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