For those who struggle losing weight, it may be time to reach out and seek professional help. Every person’s metabolism functions differently and while some fad diets may work for your co-worker, it doesn’t mean it will work for you. Weight loss methods are more diverse than ever, and it is important to understand how your body will react to safe and healthy weight loss. Many people are looking for quick results with minimal effort. However, in most cases the weight will simply come back and many times, it comes back far worse than it was before you began. The Skin And Body Refinery would like to share how we can assist with healthy, permanent weight loss.
80 Diet 20 Exercise Theory
Most people assume if they go to the gym for an hour a day they will lose the unwanted weight. However, that isn’t the correct answer. Studies prove that weight loss is 80% diet with 20% exercise. Real changes start with what you’re eating. Now let’s look at some weight loss methods. There are some diet supplements out there that can suppress appetite. There are ready-made meal replacements and there is even medical injections or pills that can give your metabolism a boost. However, these methods aren’t meant for long term use. In fact, these aids are mainly used for the beginning of your weight loss journey. The beginning of a weight loss program is the hardest for many people. However, our ultimate goal is a complete new life style.
Weight Loss Diet Plan
Weight loss begins with a proper diet. Each person’s body will respond differently to different diets and finding the right one for you is the first step. Keep in mind, your outlook on diets must change. You may be restricted as to food to help get your body losing weight. However, as you lose weight, your diet will evolve. To maintain a healthy weight means never going back to bad eating and avoid those foods and drinks that caused weight gain.
Weight Loss Exercise at Home
Exercise is important to weight loss. Nevertheless, the diet is the primary focus in your weight loss journey. Your medical professional will help determine where your level of exercise needs to be to assist your weight loss and improve your health. Cardio is great for a healthy heart and general conditioning; however, you can boost your metabolism by walking, cardio, and even weight training. Your medical professional will help determine where to start and what exercises will benefit you and help you gain a healthier lifestyle. Don’t jump on the treadmill and begin running for 30 minutes a day. If your body isn’t conditioned for such activities, it is important to begin slow and work up to more intense exercising. Your age, current health or medical condition and weight will help determine the best exercise program for you.
Lipotropic B12 Injections
When you consult with our weight loss professionals, they may suggest certain supplements or weight loss aids. For example, we provide Lipotropic B12 injections. This injection simply helps boost metabolism and provide energy which helps burn fat. There are other supplements that can help suppress your appetite. Most Americans overeat which stretches out the stomach. The result is that we tend to overeat and get hungry quicker. One goal during weight loss is to maintain proper portion size and over time, the stomach will shrink. You will fill up on less food and won’t feel as hungry. In the beginning hunger pain is a major challenge. To help reduce hunger pains, we can help give you some appetite suppressors in the beginning to help you through this difficult time.
Medical Weight Loss in Waco, Texas
The Skin and Body Refinery is dedicated in helping those who struggle with weight loss and want to achieve a healthier body. If you need help losing weight, contact The Skin and Body Refinery and schedule an appointment with our health and wellness professional. Let’s begin your journey to weight loss today.