Do at Home Microdermabrasion Machines Work as Well as Medical Spa Treatments in Lorena, TX?

During our daily routines for presenting ourselves for the day, many of us will take a closer look at our skin’s current health. The blemishes we prefer not to see such as signs of fine lines, enlarged pores and other flaws are noted. Many of us turn to skin care treatments to reverse the abuse and toll our skin has taken over the years. Most people who have taken advantage of spa and medical spa treatments testify to their optimal results. Microdermabrasion is one of the many popular treatments people turn to. Though many recognize that professional services offer more quality and better results, some will seek an affordable approach for a limited budget. The problem is knowing if they are effective at all. Home microdermabrasion kits are available and are questioned for their efficiency. Today, we at Skin & Body Refinery would like to offer our take on home microdermabrasion kits.

Microdermabrasion Results

As a non-invasive procedure that is a gentler treatment than dermabrasion treatments, microdermabrasion is designed to remove the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveal younger, healthier looking skin. Within 8 weeks or so, professionals recommend 6 treatments of microdermabrasion treatments to maximize the effects. Where some may not be able to afford the consecutive treatments in a short lifespan, many ask if the home kits are worth the time and effort. Professional microdermabrasion treatments are the optimal solution, as they involve a more thorough and aggressive process than home kits. Nearly every fine line, scar, and blemish on your face is blasted away by the advanced technology offered at professional establishments. Dramatic results are simply unreachable with the milder home microdermabrasion kits.

Finding the Best Microdermabrasion System for You

Keep in mind that those with sensitive skin have tendency to cause breakouts and skin irritation from microdermabrasion treatments. The reaction is likely to be less severe due to home kits being gentler. With the better-quality home kits, most will at least see a softer and smoother skin complexion. The biggest trial, however, is finding a decent home kit while weeding out the poor-quality ones. The process of elimination can be tedious, though few microdermabrasion home kits can be useful. Something to consider is not only will you have to deal with the varying results, but considering it takes 6 treatments spread out over a few months in a spa, you may have to deal with the effects of skin irritation and excessive expense can stack up trying to find the right one for you.

Microdermabrasion Knowledge & Experience

During the spa visit, the microdermabrasion treatments exfoliate and remove the superficial layer of dry, dead skin cells. Microdermabrasion machines buff and polish the skin with the assistance of a stream of fine crystals or a diamond tip. To remove loose skin cells from the face, some systems may be equipped with a suctioning device but you may not have the knowledge or experience to use it effectively.

Microdermabrasion & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

Call Skin & Body Refinery to schedule your microdermabrasion treatment consultation if you are interested in microdermabrasion treatments. We take out time to address concerns, answer questions, and help you make the process as comforting and effective as possible. When compared to home microdermabrasion kits, professional microdermabrasion treatments can make it nearly affordable on any budget and the quality is far more superior.

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