How to Get Longer & Thicker Eyelashes in Waco, TX; Vital Growth Serum, Extensions & More

We see women advertising products for long beautiful eyelashes, but is there a way to get longer and healthier eyelashes without all the hassle of getting eyelash extensions? The good news is that there is a way to improve your eyelashes with some basic remedies and good habits. The real truth is each person’s eyelash length is due to their own genetics. Good habits and natural remedies will only go so far in some cases. However, just like your skin, nails and hair, your eyelashes require their own attention. The Skin and Body Refinery will share a few tips and tricks to improve your eyelash length and provide a healthier look.

How to Get Longer Eyelashes Fast

1. Remove makeup
We hear that it is important to remove your makeup at the end of the day and never to sleep with any makeup on. This is due to the fact that makeup clogs your pores and mascara is heavy on your eyelashes. By removing the mascara you give your eyelashes relief from that extra weight. It is equally important to remove your makeup gently, especially around your eyelashes. You can use commercial makeup remover or even regular baby oil does the trick. Just don’t damage your eyelashes while you remove your makeup. The eyelash root is very weak and not meant to withstand a lot of rubbing or weight.
2. How to make eyelashes longer and stronger
There are many natural ways to help make eyelashes grow long and even strong or healthier.
Olive Oil – One way is to apply olive oil on your eyelashes. Most will do it before sleeping to give the olive oil plenty of time to soak in. Another way some claim to be a better choice is to mix together olive oil with caster oil and use that on your eyelashes. Many claim rapid growth with this mixture.
Vaseline – Some report that using petroleum jelly or Vaseline on their eyelashes at night made their eyelashes thicker and stronger. Additionally, they claim to have faster eyelash growth.
Green Tea – Another fantastic natural remedy is to make up some green tea and apply it to your eyelashes. Some did this by dipping a cloth in the tea and blotting it on their eyelashes at night. Once again this resulted in thicker, longer and healthier eyelashes with more noticeable growth.
Caster Oil – The last natural remedy is to get a bottle of caster oil and put lemon peels inside and let the peeling soak in for a few days and then use it on your eyelashes.
3. Eyelash trimming
It is recommended by many to have your eyelashes trimmed. This should be done by a professional but it truly helps promote healthy eyelash growth.

Food that Helps Your Eyelashes Grow

Just like your hair and nails, certain foods promote healthier eyelashes as well. Some of the best foods to eat for your eyelashes are apples, guavas, most fruits, green vegetables, eggs, and meat; in other words protein. Food with biotin victim is also one to consume. It helps to eat these types of food with breakfast. Never skip breakfast and maintain some form of exercise.

Eyelash Growth, Extensions, Tinting, Lifts & More in Waco, Texas

These are some of the ways everyone can have thick, long and beautiful eyelashes. There are of course commercial products that help the appearance of eyelashes as well. One such product we sell and recommend is Omni Lash & Brow Vital Growth Serum. You can always ask The Skin and Body Refinery for more advice as how to get the eyelashes you’ve been striving for. We offer many quality eyelash services such as lash extensions, lash rehab correction, lash tinting and lash lifts. Come and see The Skin and Body Refinery today.

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