How to Remove Blackheads on Nose & Face in Woodway, TX; Chemical Peels, Facials & More

Commonly found among men and women, blackheads are a common skin blemish many of us are combating. Blackheads are more frequently seen on the face especially across the nose and cheeks. When pores become clogged with excess sebum (an oil produced by the sebaceous glands) or dead skin cells, blackheads develop. Whether or not the pore is opened or closed dictates whether you have blackheads or whiteheads. When the oxygen in the air altering it to black, an open pore allows the plug of sebum, or skin cells, to oxidize. Excessive washing will not help clear the blackheads because blackheads are not produced simply by having dirty pores. Today, we at The Skin and Body Refinery, however, will like to share a few some natural solutions to reduce the appearance of blackheads in your pores.

Blackhead Removal Tips

Does Baking Soda Actually Remove Blackheads? Working wonders for fighting blackheads on your face, baking soda is a great tool, but it can potentially dry out your skin. The small, fine granules act as an exfoliate and the debris is efficiently cleared out of the pores. Add drops of water to baking soda until you create a paste that can be spread across the skin on your face. Once applied, use circular motions and moderate pressure by using your fingers to massage the paste deep into your skin. Be sure to rinse will when you are done and use a clean towel to pat dry your face. Follow up with a quality moisturizer to avoid skin drying out.
Egg White Blackhead Peel Mask. Temporarily tightening pores, clearing out existing blackheads and reducing future breakouts, the egg white mask is rich in nutrients for the skin and minimizes any skin-drying side effects. First separate the yolk from the whites and then rinse your face. Pat dry and smear the egg white on your face; you can use either strips of facial tissue or toilet paper over the egg white layer to support the whites from slipping off. Apply another layer of egg white on that layer and repeat one more time for 3 layers of each. Leave it on until it dries. Afterwards, be sure to peel off the tissue and rinse the residue clean; pat dry your face with a clean towel.
Clay Mask that Pulls Out Blackheads. Rich in healing substances, a Bentonite clay is a mineral that can draw out the oils and impurities that are locked in your pores. It will also contribute to the skin tone and health; however, it can have drying effects of your skin, so be sure to follow up with a moisturizer. With enough water to create a paste, start with a 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay. Wash your face well and use clean fingers to spread a thin layer of the clay mask over your face. Allow it to dry; usually takes 20-25 minutes and rinse with lukewarm water, pat dry with a clean towel and don’t forget to add moisturizer.
Homemade Facial Toner for Blackheads. As blackheads are caused by open clogged pores that are reacting to oxygen, shrinking the pores can minimize the appearance of blackheads. Toner can lighten skin under the sun, so be sure to wear sunscreen to avoid the lightening effects. Apply lemon juice for a natural toner, if you are sensitive to lemon juice, dilute with water. Squeeze fresh lemons and capture the juice in a bottle. Use a cotton ball to apply it on the skin after you rinse your face well and pat dry. Just before bed time, follow this treatment 3-4 times a week. Be sure to rinse with lukewarm water in the morning and pat dry with a clean towel and apply sunscreen.

Facials, Chemical Peels & More in Waco, Texas

The Skin and Body Refinery has many SkinCeuticals products as well as spa treatments designed to remove blackheads which are just as natural and more effective. Call us today to discuss treatments.

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