For those who are looking for ways to reduce scars, increase your skin’s collagen, or even help improve hair growth, micro needling is the answer. Micro needling is a multi-treatment option that can help improve the surface of the skin. For those who may not know much about micro needling, The Skin and Body Refinery will explain more about micro needling and its many benefits.
How Micro Needling Works for Acne Scars
Micro needling essentially creates microscopic punctures in the skin by using a very fine, short needle. Micro needling is done using a device called a dermaroller. Dermarollers have mirco-fine needles that punctures into the skin. The purpose of micro needling is to stimulate the dormant hair follicles. Combined with a topical lotion, micro needling can help stimulate hair growth. Along with promoting hair growth, it is also used as a skincare treatment. A dermaroller, with paring needles, is often used for anti-aging or scar reduction. Often accompanied with a topical lotion or cream, the punctures from micro needling can help tighten the skin. Often for anti-aging, we will combine treatments of micro needling, topical or lotion and collagen injections. Micro needling is a common treatment for anti-aging. For anti-aging treatment, micro needling has been known to provide both immediate and long term results. In some other long term results from micro needling, it has yielded a 400% increase in the development of the skin’s natural collagen and elastin. However, there are other methods of micro needling and tools or techniques used.
Dermapen Procedure
Dermapen is another common tool which has a circular head piece with a tiny needle. The Dermapen is motor powered which when used, is puncturing the skin will a thousand tiny needle at a time. Dermapen is often used to help reduce acne scars. Dermastamps is another tool used in the field of Micro-needling. Dermastamps cover a larger area versus the dermaroller or the dermapen. Most Micro-needling tools don’t just use tiny needles, but also use a light emitting diode or LED which has been known to help rejuvenate the skin. Some other Micro-needling tools may use a radio-frequency current that pulses from the needles. The radio-frequency helps create heat which helps the skin recover faster.
Medical Spa Micro Needling VS DIY at Home Treatments
You can find many micro needling devices on the open market, so you can do your own micro needling treatments. However, it is recommended that you do not do your own micro needling. Many people that have done their own micro needling at home often over treats their skin and don’t provide time for the skin to recover. Additionally, most at home devices don’t come with the topicals used to soothe and rejuvenate the skin. In the end, they are simply damaging the skin with no results. A professional can help treat the skin before and after micro needling and provide topicals that help your skin. Remember micro needling can help stimulate hair growth, be used as an anti-aging treatment, or reduce acne scars. The topicals and the injections will provide actual results for your desired treatment.
Micro Needling & More in Waco, Texas
If you want to help promote hair growth, reduce acne scars or rejuvenate your skin, and you want micro needling treatment, seek the aid of a specialist. The Skin and Body Refinery provides micro needling and PRP Therapy to help enhance and improve your skin. Contact The Skin and Body Refinery and make an appointment today.