What are the Phases After a Chemical Peel in Moody, TX? What Happens on Day 1?

You may also be hiding your natural beauty if you’re using excessive amounts of makeup to cover up skin imperfections, though makeup can enhance your facial contours and highlight your most attractive features. Found on the surface of the skin are most skin imperfections that draw attention away from your attractive features. To reveal the new, healthy, unblemished skin beneath, chemical peel treatments can help correct these imperfections. A skin exfoliation treatment that provides powerful skin rejuvenating benefits is a chemical peel. Including acne scarring, fine lines and wrinkles, discoloration, large pores, and uneven tone and texture, chemical peels come in different strengths to treat a range of skin concerns. The strength of each chemical peel determines how deeply it penetrates as these blemishes exist at varying levels of depth within the skin. You may need to plan pretty far in advance if you want to rejuvenate your skin in time for an important day since depth of penetration also affects the healing process. Today, we at Skin & Body Refinery would like to share what you can expect from the chemical peel healing process day by day.

How Many Days Does a Chemical Peel take to heal? What Happens on Day 1, 2, 3 & More?

All healing time will differ since everyone is different. The longer the healing process, the deeper the peel, in general. As it can take months for the full results to settle, a chemical peel is a procedure you want to plan for well in advance of any special event. Expect to take some time off work, depending on the type of peel. Certain medium and deep peels may warrant up to 2 weeks of downtime, though a superficial peel may not necessitate any more time off than the day of the procedure.
1st Day. Dry and tight skin. You may either feel some mild skin irritation, a sunburn-like sting, or even a throbbing sensation, depending on the depth of your peel and your skin’s sensitivity. For minimizing the pain, you will be given instructions such as ice packs and prescription medications.
2nd-4th Days. For a couple of days, your skin will continue to feel tight and dry. The sting and pain of deeper chemical peels will continue longer than with the lighter peels. You may notice some flakiness or peeling as the top layers of skin begin to shed around the third or fourth day. Before the flaking and peeling process begins, the deeper peels build up a crustiness.
5th-7th Days. Your skin will continue to flake and peel. Being normal, any discolorations or imperfections may become more noticeable. You may begin to use a gentle skin cleanser and a strong hydrating moisturizer, depending on instructions from your chemical peel professional.
8th-14th Days. The flaking and peeling should be complete within a week or so for light chemical peels. The new, healthy, supple skin will begin to grow in the days following. Before the skin settles to its new radiance, some pinkness or discoloration can last for a month or longer. The swelling should disappear within two weeks for medium or deep chemical peels, but the redness an remain for up to three months.

Chemical Peels & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

If you are interested in a chemical peel in Waco, TX and surrounding areas, contact Skin and Body Refinery and we will set up a consultation where we can discuss the details of your goals, answer questions, and address concerns.

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