More and more people are finding that they don’t have to turn to plastic surgery to get the youthful results they are looking for. To get rid of fine lines and wrinkles on the face, they are turning to Dysport injectables instead. This is an extremely safe and non-invasive treatment that can leave you looking younger than ever before. While there is little to no downtime with Dysport, there are still some things you should avoid for the next little while. The Skin And Body Refinery is here to talk about some of the things you should avoid after getting Dysport.
How Do You Get the Best Result from Dysport?
Following are some of the things that patients should avoid after they have had Dysport injections.
– Avoid Massaging the Treatment Area: Sometimes, if you are uncomfortable, it can be normal to massage the area and try to work out the pain. However, you should avoid this after getting a Dysport treatment. This will only further irritate the injection site and cause more inflammation.
– Don’t Wear Makeup: 24 hours after you get your Dysport treatment, you need to touch your face as little as possible. Since applying makeup requires touching your face, you should avoid it for the first 24 hours.
– Sleep on Your Back: You shouldn’t sleep on your face that first night either. Many people find it easier to sleep upright in a recliner rather than in their bed to ensure they don’t end up on their face. When you lie on your face, it can cause the Dysport to migrate to a different area and leaves your face looking unnatural. If you don’t have a recliner, you can use pillows to ensure you stay on your back rather than touching your face on your pillows.
– Avoid Alcohol After Dysport: When you drink alcohol it thins your blood. This makes is unwise to drink any alcohol for 24 hours after you have Dysport treatments. This will help minimize the bruising and swelling that can come from drinking alcohol.
– Don’t Participate in Strenuous Activity: While exercise is always good for your body and health, you should avoid doing anything too strenuous after Dysport. You can do light exercising like walking for the first 24 hours after your treatment.
– After Dysport Avoid the Sun: When your skin is exposed to too much heat, it can cause inflammation and swelling. It is best to avoid the sun and high intense heat after Dysport. So, make sure you are wearing a hat outside and avoiding places like a sauna after your appointment.
Dysport Injectables & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)
If you are interested in looking younger and getting rid of your fine lines and wrinkles, you can turn to Skin And Body Refinery to help you get the results you’re looking for with our Dysport treatments. This is a safer option than plastic surgery. Call us today!