When it comes to cosmetic treatments there are lots of different options for you to consider. Being informed about all of the treatments can be hard for consumers. Today Skin and Body Refinery wants to help educate you about one of the services that we offer; microneedling.
What is Microneedling with PRP?
Medical News Today describes microneedling as “a cosmetic treatment that uses a roller with fine needles to prick the skin. This device stimulates extra collagen production, which can help heal scars and reduce signs of aging.” Here at Skin and Body Refinery we offer microneedling with plasma-rich platelets (PRP). This uses part of your own blood to help rejuvenate the skin. To use your blood our technicians will take a blood sample and spin it in a tool called a centrifuge. Spinning the blood separates the PRP from the rest of the blood.
What to Expect from Microneedling with PRP
When you come in for a microneedling appointment it is helpful to know ahead of time what to expect. First we will put a numbing solution on your face. While your face is numbing we will draw a syringe of blood. This blood is spun in the centrifuge while we use a microneedling tool to prick your skin. This makes tiny holes in your skin’s surface. Once your blood is done spinning we will apply the PRP to the tiny holes. This process encourages your body to produce collagen and reproduce cells. Once the PRP is applied the technician may apply a serum that will help take care of redness and irritation. After that your treatment is done.
Micro Needling Side Effects
As with any procedure, there are potential side effects that can occur. Bruising, inflammation, and redness are the most common side effects. They will occur immediately and last for a few days. Most people do not have experience significant side effects.
Microneedling Sessions for Acne Scars
You may be wondering now if you are a candidate for microneedling. Typically patients that want to have microneedling performed want to treat marks or blemishes on their body or face for cosmetic reasons. This procedure can help treat acne scars, surgical scars, wrinkles, fine lines, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, large pores, and uneven skin texture. The group that is frequently the most interested in microneedling is those that have acne scars. A study performed in 2016 showed that microneedling with PRP instead of water is more beneficial. The study showed that when you microneedle with distilled water there was a 45% improvement in acne scars. When you add in PRP the acne scars improved by 62%. If you have a significant amount of acne scars you will need more than one treatment of microneedling with PRP to see best results.
Microneedling & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)
After reading this information you may wondering if microneedling with PRP is a good fit for you. Give Skin and Body Refinery a call and set-up a consultation. During your consultation we can go over the benefits you will see. We can also discuss any questions or concerns about the treatment that you may have.