Healthy Skin from Inside Out in Hewitt, TX; IV Nutritional Vitamin Infusion Therapy

Improving your skin doesn’t just start with what you put on your skin, but what you’re also putting inside your body. There are a ton of topical lotions that can help protect and improve your skin’s health. However, what you put inside your body makes a huge difference. If you want to assist in your skin’s health, you need to help it on the inside as well as on the outside. The Skin & Body Refinery will share what steps you can take to help your skin’s health.

Vitamin, Antioxidant & Mineral Supplements for Skin

When you begin the journey toward healthier skin, adding the right vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants provide your body the defense it need to help protect your skin from the environment. UV exposure, along with industrial pollutants damages and ages the skin. Environmental exposure contributes to 80% of premature aging of the skin and about 20% is genetics. There is a lot for your skin to combat, which is why you can help aid your skin by taking the right supplements. Recent studies have shown that vitamin B3 or (Nicotinamide) can help protect the skin and prevent melanoma as well as non-melanoma skin cancer. Along with antioxidants and vitamins, they can help prevent DNA damage which leads to cancerous lesions and reduces the affects of stress which also ages the skin. To help strengthen your skin’s defense from the external elements, make sure to find a good balance of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, along with a proper diet and by drinking lots of water.

Recommended Vitamins & Minerals

– Vitamin B3 and B12
– Vitamin A, C, D and E
– Omega 3 Fatty Acids
– Coenzyme Q-10
– Curcumin (Naturally found in Turmeric)
– Probiotics

Hormones and Skin Elasticity, Breakouts, Discoloration & Other Problems

Hormonal changes also affect the skin’s health. Around the age of 45 skin stops making collagen and elastin which causes the skin to get thinner. As the skin thins it will create sagging. This is also when pre-menopause begins to kick in. Studies have found women who begin doing BIO TR hormone therapy, testosterone optimization, and progesterone supplements, help balance the effects of our aging body which resulted in healthier and younger looking skin. For those who want to slow down the clock, these three therapies have been known to help.

Effects of Diet on Health

You are what you eat. This rings true when it comes to your skin’s health. For those who make healthy dietary choices the results are a healthier body and your skin advertises that fact. Most people will leave their skin’s health to the supplements they take. However, the body only absorbs a portion of those supplements. By eating nutritious food, it provides your body with all of the vitamins, minerals and antioxidants your body needs. Water helps keep your body and skin hydrated and is essential to your skin’s health. Make sure you drink plenty of water along with making sound dietary choices to help provide your body and your skin the fuel it needs to combat age and the environment that stresses and damages your skin.

IV Nutritional Vitamin Infusion Therapy in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

If you want to begin your journey to healthier, younger looking skin, contact The Skin & Body Refinery. We provide IV Nutritional Therapy along with many other services that can help protect and care for your skin’s health. IV Vitamin Therapy works by administering vitamins and nutrients directly into the bloodstream, bypassing the digestive system. (With oral supplements, you only get about 20% absorption after filtering through your digestive system). Contact The Skin & Body Refinery and make an appointment today!

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