Are you looking for fuller lips or perhaps you suffer from baggy eyes? With modern medical advances there are more and more methods to correct and enhance facial features. One methods that is FDA approved and also provides longer lasting results is Bellafill. Bellafill is used for a number of cosmetic procedures. The Skin and Body Refinery will share the many uses for Bellafill and what to expect before and after treatments.
What is Bellafill?
In 2014, Bellafill was approved by the FDA as a new dermal filler to enhance and correct facial imperfections such as scarring, wrinkles and other augmentation procedures. Bellafill contains a bovine collagen and PMMA that lasts longer than other dermal fillers, lasting anywhere from 5 to 8 years. Most dermal filler’s effects only last 1 to 3 years. Bellafill creates tiny balls during each injection and over time, the body will naturally absorb the collagen. Some of the tiny beads remain. However, most of the collagen is replaced with your own body’s once absorbed.
How Do Bellafill Fillers Work?
Bellafill is used for many facial correction procedures. Lips are a common target for those seeking fuller and smoother lips. The nasolabial folds above the lips is another common site. For those with wrinkled nasolabial folds from prolonged smoking, it is often corrected by filling in the upper lip area to reduce the wrinkles in the nasolabial fold. Bellafill is used all over the face, such as under the eyes to correct baggy eye lids, the cheeks, and chin. The under skin can be filled in to reduce the appearance of wrinkle, deep lines, and to define facial features. Another common use for Bellafill is to fill in scars. Acne scars or even dimpling around the chin can be removed or filled in with Bellafill with long lasting results.
Before & After Bellafill
When Bellafill procedures are performed, the doctor asks the typical questions such as allergies and other medical information you may have. Some doctors like you to have a skin test to make sure you will not have any allergic reaction to the bovine collagen. The site of the injection is numbed using a cream or topical. The doctor will then inject Bellafill into the desired sites. The procedure can last anywhere between 15 to 60 minutes depending on the site or area. Often for quality results, the doctor will request a second session about 6 weeks later to fill in any areas missed and to check the results of the procedure.
Bellafill Aftercare
After the procedures you may experience some common side effects from the injections. There may be bruising, redness, itchy or tenderness around the injection site. You may also feel the beads of the filler underneath the skin. Often the doctor will provide a pain reliever. However most often all you need is an ice pack applied to the area.
Bellafill Injectable Fillers & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)
Bellafill can help many people repair scar damage and even enhance facial features. For those who may want fuller lips or a reduction of wrinkles or to define their cheeks and chin, Bellafill may be right for you. Contact Skin and Body Refinery and begin your consultation with our quality medical specialists. Contact Skin and Body Refinery and schedule your appointment today.