How Do You Get Rid of Blackheads in Hewitt, TX? Masks, Facials, Microdermabrasion Treatments & More

Found on men and women, blackheads are a common skin issue that generally show up on the face. An oil produced by the sebaceous glands, as well as dead skin cells, clog pores with excess sebum, which creates blackheads. The difference between blackheads and white heads is dictated whether or not the pore is opened or closed. When the oxygen alters it to black, an open pore permits the plug of sebum, or skin cells, to oxidize. To reduce the appearance of blackheads in your pores, we at Skin & Body Refinery would like to share some natural options today.

Does Baking Soda Actually Remove Blackheads?

Baking soda does little to remove the material that clogs your pores and lead to blackheads. It can also cause your skin can get dried out if you opt to use the baking soda often. If you still want to try it, following these directions. By mixing the baking soda and water, create a thick paste that can spread across the face. With circular motions and moderate pressure, massage the paste into your pores. Before applying a good moisturizer, make certain to rinse well and pat dry your face.

Do Lemon Juice Toners Get Rid of Blackheads?

By shrinking the pore, you can minimize the blackhead as open clogged pores that are reacting the oxygen. Though lemon juice can lighten your skin so be sure to apply sun block, a lemon juice toner will help you reach your goals. You can dilute the lemon juice with water for those with sensitive skin if necessary. Wash and rinse your face well and pat dry. In a bottle or bowl, capture the freshy squeezed lemon juice and dab a cotton ball in the juice and gently apply it to your face. Before bed, do this treatment 3-4 times a week, follow up the next morning with a rinse of lukewarm water every time.

Does Egg White Really Remove Blackheads?

The egg white mask will temporarily tighten pores as well and reduce future blackheads as well as remove any present ones. You can minimize any skin drying side effects; egg whites are good for the skin since they are rich in nutrients. Separate the yolk from the whites after you rinse your face well. After it has been pat dried, apply the whites on your face, and either use strips of facial tissue or toilet paper over the egg white layer to stabilize the egg whites. Until you have 2 or 3 layers of egg whites, repeat. Rinse away any residues and use a moisturizer if needed, wait until it is dried and remove the mask.

Do Clay Masks Help with Blackheads?

A Bentonite clay is a mineral and is rich in healing substances. The oils and impurities that are in your pores is drawn out. The skin tone and health are also boosted, and the blackheads cleared out. This clay can dry out the skin so be sure to follow up with a moisturizer. Create a paste with 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay as you add enough water. Apply a thin layer of clay on your thoroughly washed face using clean fingers and let the clay dry for 10-25 minutes. Rinse your face well and apply moisturizer after you have pat dried it with lukewarm water.

Facials, Microdermabrasion Treatments & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

Call us today for your consultation as Skin & Body Refinery
offers facials and other treatments such as microdermabrasion to help reduce the blackheads and deliver additional benefits.

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