How Effective are Home Microdermabrasion Kits VS Professional Treatments in Lorena, TX?

As we do our daily routines for presenting ourselves for the day, it is not uncommon for us to glance over our skin. Enlarged pores, fine lines, and other blemishes we rather not see are the signs we look for. We consider the remedies as we look at what the years of abuse have done to our skin. The incredible results that spas offer is realized by many consumers. Microdermabrasion is one of the many popular treatments. Though some look to an affordable approach when funds are limited and find quite a few home microdermabrasion kits available, some more affordable than others, we know that professional services are are superior. Skin & Body Refinery would like to discuss why home dermabrasion kits are inferior to professional microdermabrasion treatments.

Why Does Microdermabrasion Do?

The basics of microdermabrasion are fairly straightforward. As a non-invasive procedure that is a gentler treatment than dermabrasion treatments, microdermabrasion removes the outermost layer of dry, dead skin cells and reveal younger, healthier-looking skin. Professionals recommend at least six treatments within a few months for microdermabrasion treatments to have maximum effectiveness. Some want to know if the home treatments are worth a try where some may not be able to afford the treatment.

Professional Dermabrasion Treatments are More Effective

Making them the superior choice, professional microdermabrasion treatments involve a more thorough and aggressive process. To blast away every fine line, scar, and blemish on your face is from the advanced technology offered at professional establishments. For optimal skin treatments, professional have the expertise, tools and products. These dramatic results are simply not achieved with home microdermabrasion kits.

Which Microdermabrasion Home Kit is the Best?

Breakouts and skin irritation with those that have sensitive skin can come from the microdermabrasion treatments. The reaction will be less severe since the home kits are gentler. Softer skin and a smoother complexion are produced with quality home kits. The problem with home kits is to weed out the lesser quality and find one worth its salt. Considering it takes 6 treatments spread out over a few months in a spa, it can be a long and taxing process. The process of elimination can be tedious, and purchasers can expect to have breakouts and skin irritation in the process where microdermabrasion home kits can be useful.

Microdermabrasion Treatments & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

To remove the superficial layer of dry, dead skin cells, microdermabrasion treatments in a spa will exfoliate. Microdermabrasion machines can buff and polish the skin using a stream of fine crystals or a diamond tip. Some systems include a suctioning effect to remove loose skin cells from the face as well. Call Skin & Body Refinery to schedule your microdermabrasion treatment consultation if you are interested in microdermabrasion treatments. To help you make the process as comfortable as process by telling what you can expect, we can discuss your potential results, answer your questions, address your concerns. When compared to home dermabrasion kits and our affordable treatments can make it nearly affordable on any budget, our microdermabrasion treatment is essentially superior. To schedule your microdermabrasion appointment to get started, call us today!

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