How to Get Rid of a Double Chin Without Surgery in Hewitt, TX; Kybella Injections Destroy Fat Cells Under Skin!

When you suffer from a double chin, it can make you extremely self-conscious. Many people start to notice that extra layer of fat that forms beneath the chin as they get older or gain weight, among other causes. Whatever the cause, it can leave you unhappy with your profile and looking for a way to get rid of it. While surgery is always an option, it is important to remember that there are other, less invasive, options out there for you. Skin & Body Refinery is here to share some ways that you can get rid of your double chin.

Exercises to Get Rid of a Double Chin

There are several exercises out there that will target the muscles that make up the neck area beneath your chin. There isn’t much as far as proof goes that shows how effective these exercises, but if you have some extra time on your hands, it’s worth a shot.
– Around the World: This is a great way to warm up the neck. Moving your head around in a clockwise motion will target all of those muscles and get them warmed up.
– Whistle at the Ceiling: Make sure you are sitting upright, look up at the ceiling and start to do your best at whistling.
– Kiss the Sky: Looking up, pucker your lips and work to kiss the sky as high as you possibly can.
– Ball Squeeze: Squeeze a ball anywhere from 5-10 inches around based on your comfort and squeeze it between the chin and your chest. Repeat 10-30 times.
– Chew Gum: Chewing gum is a big workout for many facial and jaw muscles. Chew gum regularly to give your face and chin a workout.

Losing Weight But Not Double Chin

Of course, if you have a double chin because of weight loss, you can work to loss that extra weight with diet and exercise. A balanced diet has been proven to give you the weight loss results that you are after, even though it is always a challenge.

Kybella Treatments & More in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Axtell, West, Lorena, Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)

If you are looking for something to give you faster results, but aren’t looking to undergo surgery, Kybella treatments are a great option. It has been approved by the FDA and is injected into the fat beneath the chin. It works to break down this fat and improve your profile with minimal side effects and very little down time. Many people find that this is a great, non-invasive treatment to give faster results that exercises that may or may not work; let alone the fact that those exercises can leave you feeling a little goofy. If you are looking for Kybella treatments to treat your double chin, call on the professionals at Skin & Body RefinerySkin & Body Refinery. We will help you fall in love with your profile again and eliminate the fat found underneath the chin. Call us today!

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