One of the top trends in the beauty industry right now is eyelash extensions. For years women have been wearing fake eyelashes but eyelash extensions have taken the idea to a whole new level. Now you can have the beauty of fake eyelashes without having to take them on and off every single day. If you have not tried eyelash extensions yet but are considering it we have a list of reasons that you may want to make today the day that you make that appointment!
What are Eyelash Extensions
Before we begin what exactly are eyelash extensions? Eyelash extensions are fake lashes that can be made out of synthetic, silk or mink. They come in many different sizes. They are applied one lash at a time with a specially formulated, semi-permanent glue. The glue is designed not to irritate the eye or cause damage to your natural lash. Once they are put in you will need to have them filled every 1-4 weeks depending on your preference. If you decide to take off your extensions you will need to be careful during this process so that you do not ruin your natural lash. People are able to have eyelash extensions removed without any damage to their natural lash.
Beautiful Start to the Day
The benefit that most women with eyelash extensions will state right off the bat is that they wake up already feeling beautiful without lifting a finger. You can literally roll out of bed and already look presentable because your long, full lashes are already on. Why would you NOT want to wake up feeling beautiful?
Stop Wearing Mascara
Another major benefit for eyelash extensions is that you do not have to wear mascara. Not having to purchase and apply mascara entices most women. Applying mascara can be such a frustrating part of your daily make-up routine. Getting your lashes to look long and beautiful without getting clumps can be so annoying. Since you are not applying mascara your daily makeup routine will not take as long. Many women with eyelash extensions say that they are able to cut their makeup routine in half. They can take out curling their eyelashes and applying mascara. Lots of them will even cut out eye makeup altogether. Eyelash extensions are so thick and beautiful that your eyes will look completely put together without that extra makeup.
Custom Eyelash Extensions
When you go to get your eyelash extensions put on your technician will talk to you about how you want your lashes to look when they are finished. Some people want more length, volume, and fullness than others. Some people simply want them for just one night when they have a very special occasion. Some people want them for daily use. Some people want to draw attention to the shape or color of their eyes. Once your technician has talked to you he/she will be able to give you the custom lashes that you were hoping for.
Nova Lash & Lashbomb Lash Extensions in Waco, TX (Just Minutes Away from Bellmead, Woodway, Hewitt, Robinson & Crawford, Texas)
If you are ready to try eyelash extensions give The Skin and Body Refinery a call today. We can get your appointment scheduled so that you can enjoy the magic of eyelash extensions as soon as possible.